I think dreaming is the first step to actually achieving something. I have always loved the quote " Nothing happens unless we first dream"
Walt Disney has said a wanderful quote that says " If you can dream it, you can do it" There are some things that might be achieable straight away, and others may take a little longer to achieve, and to get to the final goal.
A friend of mine encouraged me to write as I always wandered what to do with my life.I write in both of my blogg and my space for which I am passionate about. I enjoy reading my friends responses to what I write! We can all achieve anything we set out to do, and consider myself very lucky that I can do the things I do in my life.
Each day is a new day, and I can now set goals for the day, and I can achieve them with great confidence and I can see a great change in my life compared to last year!
I achieved many goals by being able to go to visit places and see many statues in countries as well Sydney!
Dearest Michiko,
Oh yes, you have achieved so many things since last year. I am very proud of you and your perseverance. It shows that one can achieve a lot; just one step at a time and by being patient but going on: steady.
You look so cute and happy in this picture.
Enjoy your spring and one year from now you will do even better!
I love the quotes about dream! I think it's fun and important to have a dream. And it feels really great when we get to achieve it!
You have achieved many things, Michiko san, since the accident. And you sound and look very happy! I love the picture of you :-)
Dearest Michiko-san,
Yes, how wonderful you achieved so many things an showed us the huge courage and strength, my dear friend!!! Wonderful post for us and very enlightening☆☆☆
風邪をひいて、コメントが遅くなりました。 私も、ミチコさんに負けないように頑張りますね(^_^)v
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
Yes I am sure almost a year ago you felt no dreams for the future, but then a light came on and said yes you can dream about the future. So now it is here and more dreams can now be yours. Happy Spring to you...
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