Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Present Tense.

The Celebration of Christmas is OR perhaps should be- about much more than the giving and receiving of gifts. Religious or not. Christmas is primarily a time for family and friends. for making home rather then work a priority,for gathering to share food and stories,and for hospitality to those who might otherwise be alone.

And yet,as we anticipate Christmas,it is other not those precious acts of love that are uppermost in our minds. but rather the risky or even perilous business of gift giving. we may feel very willing to give gifts,yet struggle with our concerns. Will our presents "work"?Will they adequately convey what we feel?

The more nervous we become about choosing gifts the easier it is to fall back on asking people what they want and then providing it

Those gifts may be given with great love also yet without evena dash of surprise, they are unlikely to make Christmas giving as special as it can be.
These are all simple gifts that speak volumes about appreciation as well as connection. It is those thoughtful expressions of love that count -all year round.

"The most successful gifts are those for which the twin elements of anticipation and surprise overtake all else.That takes far more imagination than money"
All over my friends are still working for another years.

                                           Andrew home at Christmas cards!