This is for Southern Hemisphere. (Add 6 months to yours to achieve equivalent in Northern Hemisphere)
Spring is just around the corner,which means that, in all but the very coldest parts, the garden is starting to stir.
Vegies to sow in August:
Sow leafy greens in punnet or pots. The greens in the new Asian stir Fry Mix in Yates seed rangs are fast growing and versatile and can be used fresh or cooked.
Flowers to sow in August.
Summer flower favourites such as petunias can also be sown into indoor pots ready for planting out when it's warmer.
Petunias have very small seeds that don't like being buried.
Feed in August.
Cut off dead flowers from spring bulbs but leave the foliage intact, feed weekly with Thrive Flower & amp
Prune in August.
Finish rose pruning and follow with a clean-up spray of Lime Sulfur. Any necessary pruning of camellias can be done as soon as flowering finishes.
August Job file:
If the weather is favourable. August is a good month to improve the soil by digging in compost and manure
Don't dig while the soil is very wet.