Having been complicit in urging my own elderly parents to leave the family home of 50 years and enter a "lifestyle"facility touted as "safe", sanitary and supervised", I have. since they passed away, regretted this decision few years ago!
This is a time when there may not be an obvious illness but our deterioration in terms of dodgy hips,failing eyesight,incontinence extreme confusion and general dishevelment has everyone -particularly.family,descending into despair.
So here is the list we are leaving our soon to be middle-aged children in an attempt to prevent their guilt and sleepless nights when faced with Mum and Dad falling to bits along with the family home.
They will encourage your to sell our house,sign away any remaining saving (your inheritance!) and move us into financially exploitative "luxury" retirement villages your keeping yourself nice home!!
jack going to 5 years old to new school!
Millie's 8 of two years.