I had feeling of being sick keeps from 15- 12 -2011 and updated for few of years, after the operation I really happy and my tooth is fully back to excellent of the my health.
Not getting the cold my body that make me I need waite with untill I getting back to fince my five tooth Implants for the bone graft untill todays .
Some friend was send to me letter as well. and Thank you my dear Sis!
I was my family and frind they made me very happy with me I'am getting a much better now.
After a few days I become convinced I would not be able to ashieve any barmony belween my physical desise for food and what my BRAIN was telling me...was HOT wired to a state of paranaoia about food and dieting.
As I started to lister to my body, The most interesting thing was that I ate a lot less then I'd expected!