What it says about you? Why do some people use their right hand while others favour the left? And how can it affect your life? we look at some research into the great left-right divide By Sarah Marinos.
Sporting advantage : If I am a right -hander or right -fter and come up against a left-handed opponent, I'll find it harder to win because I 'll be less famillar with a left-handed competior's moves and tactice. Some people also suggest the wiring of a left-hander's brain gives them an edge in hand-eys coordination and better balance-both valuable on the Sports field.
right handed sports people need both sides of the brain for these tasks which can add a tiny FRACTION OF A SECOND to Their reaction time.
Injury risk: Off the road,however, right- handers are less likely to unintentionally injure themselves..
If you're right -handed,you're probably not seen as being as clumsy..this is me...
More parents of Left- handers rated their child as "More clumsy than average"
we seek advice from the experts.
Did you know that being left or right-handed is probably determined before birth ? Or that research is linking left or right-handedness with a range of lifestyle and health factors?