I had feeling of being sick keeps from 15- 12 -2011 and updated for few of years, after the operation I really happy and my tooth is fully back to excellent of the my health.
Not getting the cold my body that make me I need waite with untill I getting back to fince my five tooth Implants for the bone graft untill todays .
Some friend was send to me letter as well. and Thank you my dear Sis!
I was my family and frind they made me very happy with me I'am getting a much better now.
After a few days I become convinced I would not be able to ashieve any barmony belween my physical desise for food and what my BRAIN was telling me...was HOT wired to a state of paranaoia about food and dieting.
As I started to lister to my body, The most interesting thing was that I ate a lot less then I'd expected!
Dearest Michiko,
It is quite remarkable what you have achieved since your brain injury! With your diet, with reading, writing, spreaking, golfing, eating... oh my that endless list of things to tackle ones again! A big CONGRATS and so glad that with some bone grafts they could fix your teeth over time. Never easy and not without pain and anxiety but you were so BRAVE! You did it, a perfect role model for many of us that have absolutely no reason for whining in any form.
Tight hugs to you dear friend. You ROCK!
Dearest Michiko-san,
Oh Yes, you sure are one brave lady!!! Really admire your determination and I wish my gaining weight husband follow in your foot steps.
ご家族や回りの方に恵まれながら、頑張っていらっしゃいますね☆☆☆ "A beautiful day"♡♡♡ Michiko-sanを見習いながら私も keep going!!!
Sending lots of love and hugs to my Japanese friend in Australia from Japan, xoxo Miyako*
My very dear Sis, I am so glad that the teeth implants will finally be over. It seems you have not been feeling very well for some time now. I am so so sorry, Sis. Perhaps Katie can do the driving this time and bring you over here. We can go out and enjoy the summer weather and take a picnic with us!
Love and hugs always. Sis, Katie, Miyuki and Victoria XXXOOO
Michiko, it's so good to hear from you. I've been wondering about you and I see that your tooth implants will soon be behind you. I hope you'll be feeling much better soon.
I've been so behind with my internet problems. If I do change, my friends will know it's me and Kassey.
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