Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Friday, November 1, 2013

Time to Exercise!

Lark or Night owl!
Find out what time best suit my to work out for an hour at last four to five times a week and shaks up my routine my mighy want to go to the Gem for an hour walk around the park or do a donce closs,
Lots of gyms now have many different closses finding out it  better in the morning or night also help.

These thing was until just few days before the raining all the days.
I'm enjoying on TV to watcthing the golf and the tennis with more important all the time.
At weather are more like to Smmer times now.


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Michiko,
Oh, if the weather is summery like, than walking, golfing or biking outdoors is just great. If not, we have to go to the Gym and look at the best time schedule or join a special class.
Wishing you luck with the weather!
Hugs and love to you always,

Tamago said...

How nice it's getting more like summer! Great time for outdoor activities, isn't it :-) It's getting colder and I'm already waiting for spring! Have a great weekend, Michiko san!

Äppelblom said...

Thank you for your many comments in my blogg.
Kram Äppelblom

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Michiko-san;
Oh, summer is coming and we are having a bit cooler days ow p;)
Wonerful seaon for the out door activity and thinking about suitablue outfit♡♡♡

PS> 父の事で優しいコメント有難う御座います。 声をかけても触っても反応はなく、毎日病院に通っている状態です。 父の強い心臓は未だ私達と居たいのかも。。。

Love you always from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Marijke said...

i love to walk these days
a bt of fitness 3 times a week
its for a kind of maintenance lol
enjoy the summer Michiko san
we have autumn .brbrbrrrrr
cold windy and raining
lots of love

Here I Am Carrie said...

Now that I have a dog again I walk every day for almost a hour in our forest. Now with the snow it is much more workout where big boots and walking in snow. Keep up the exercise, best thing for getting back in shape.