Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life Style!

The course made a big difference to me what I've learned laily sustainable and now if I have issues,I know how to work around them, I also know that if I do fall off the rails.
It only takes a couple of days to get myself straight again.

All the food was ourishing and cleansing, I'd been living on we ate vegerables,then added proterins such as eggs or fish ad then finally various non processed grains.

Everyone's life has suplrtalivl moments times when we feel extraondinary and our experiences,
are record in technicolor It part of the human condition. When my Michiko's Blog was July 2005 and still is small ways.

I'm golfing more working hard my hand rest on my shoulder and if it my turn to win those are the swing thoughts to carry with me. my Golf life time with me.
First one wining was 26-3-1980. and Last 14-12-2011 after the days I has very bad brain jnjury I got myself sick leave in hospital until 31-12-2012 .after  was wining 27-11-13. and 27-8-14 won  Now I love the photos around what genial idea with me. These mylife was most of days now.

                             Jack - Millie  with  Mum.Dad.  Andrew-Vanessa



Tamago said...

We all fall off the rails from time to time, but what's important is to get yourself on them again :-) The photos of kids and mom and dad are very lovely!
Have a wonderful day, Michiko san!

Katy-Mei said...

Nice post Michko! Past is past... thinking back the past don't scare me no more, I got back up and chin up! Still live in my dreams. You sound a lot better in this post. Keep it up my friend! :-) Mei

orchid0324 said...

Wonderful positive way of thinking post, Michiko-san♪ There is always tomorrow、I thiink。
Lovely photographs of your sweet family(*^_^*)

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear Japanese friend in Australia, xoxo Miyako*