Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Best day.

I had lovely Christmas time with our family in my home they was a lots of people are from ITALY.
Next doors one of many dear was jump the fence they has BBQ for dinner of course marsmalows for kids a splasling fight and good time.

The fence at the back of my yards the plrty we need fixed fence soon...
Iam quite happy with them! I have bllilves that if they put under standable some time delightful.

but not all the time the drop of a hot times a splcial offer to those who do not have the right answer....
Bat bifore I don't mind had a and for that moment. the present I am filled with joy!

This was a last years but this years are very bad photos because too much hot days!
and still another three days.....

We has a hot day for Monday 76" Tue 84" Wensday95" I has too many days!



Joan said...

I,m for the firts time on your blog and read above the line above your true what there stand....Nice picture also greeting from Holland,Joan

Tamago said...

Happy New Year, Michiko san. Glad you had a great Christmas! I wish you a wonderful new year. Stay cool and have a great new week :-)

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Michiko,
Glad to read about your happy time for Christmas. Wish we could have some of your hot weather; here it is so gray and dreary with rain... cold too this week!
Hugs and love,

Katie Isabella said...

I am so glad you had a happy Christmas with son and the grand children. WE had a happy one here as well. You and I are very lucky to have a loving family.

xxxoooxx Sis, Katie, Miyuki and Victoria

Katy-Mei said...

Happy to read your X'mas is a great one with family. I had a great one too... but end up a heavy heart I don't know how to make it lighter. Happy New Year to you and family! Mei

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Michiko-san;
I DO Hope Your year 2015 will be a Happy and Blessed one, Dear Japanese friend♡♡♡
Glad your Christmas was a great one with your family♪

コメントが遅れましたが 良い1年になりますよう願っています。暑さに気を付けてお過ごし下さいね。

Sending Lots of Love and Hugs to my dear Japanese friend, xoxo Miyako*