This opportunity may turn out to be just what I'd have been hoping for...I'll find that it anlarges in just the way I had hoped? I'm the kind of person who,if something great comes through,
It like"Oh WOW Yes I've always wanted to that.
Millie and Jack!
I need to keep a more watchful eye on our young ones today I think more then our perents has to when we were growing up how to live independently!
A keen golfer,and with a fearsome reputation for smaching the semers around the region's I didn't want to lose it completely because that wasn't going to help tyler, you want to be functioning and you want to be same so you know exactly what's going on!
Dearest Michiko,
Guess you are doing things right and why give up golfing? As you said, you wanted to keep up with it and not losing it. We often want to do two things and being at two different locations at once but that is impossible!
You have to think about yourself because what you do today will affect your future.
Sending you hugs and love always,
Millie and Jack look delightful and adorable as always.
Have a great new week, Michiko san.
Dearest Michiko-san:
Your sweet Millie and Jack look SO adorable and I'm sure you must be a wonderful grandma♡♡♡
Please Take Care of Yourself and hope you are having a wonderful week!
Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear Japanese friend in Australia, xoxo Miyako*
They look adorable! How they have grown so BIG now! Have a wonderful week dear Sis.
xxxoox Sis, Katie, Miyuki, Victoria xxoox
Dear Michiko,
Your photo is lovely! You have touched my heart, thank you so much for sharing. :)
Happy Easter Michiko! Thanks for the comment.
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