If you have ever had a secret that had just hate good on my mind,and heart..these is a reason why I was secret-keeping can negatively impact our wellbeing and scientists now believe that contession is that best option for our brains.
Theory suggests that as humans,We have a phychology need for relatedness and a need to form bonds with other people ,
Secrecy immediately pats a wall up between our relatedness with people. However, the revelation of a secret. A snared secret can be a good way at building trust between two people!
Dearest Michiko,
Indeed, such bonding between two good friends that know how to keep a secret does bring you very close!
We all need that feeling of being loved, understood, nurtured and guided.
Sending you hugs,
You are right dearest Sis. Sometimes keeping a secret and a confidence IS a bond making experience. We all need someone we can depend on to keep our confidences and to give us loving advice..
XXXOOO Sis, Katie, Miyuki and Victoria
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