Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Monday, October 24, 2016

Cool for Kids.

Mum spent a lot of time with her in the in the veggie garden. and helping her to cook family meals .
also encouraged her to play sport and bought me my first bike.

According to the international of obesity,the family environment has the strongest influence over what children eat, and studies show that when parents eat fruit and vegetables regularly, so do their kids.

Lead by example. Get  my kids involved in preparing healthy by opting for fresh vegetables, lean
protein and good healthy foods.

I'm here to prayers and best hopes are being sent  your way. I am falling behind but I will catch up  I send to you my prayers for comfort and peace.  
I agree all Moms are super Moms.      
                                                                       Andrew's all family.


Tamago said...

Kids definitely see what their parents are eating.
Love those pictures. Your family is beautiful!

Michiko Johnson said...

Tamago San,
They having a drinking of cold water's

Michiko Johnson said...
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Ramblingon said...

Sis, everyone looks so wonderful. Was a pleasure to see the latest photographs of the children and Andrew and his wife.

I hope you re well. xxooxx💗

XXOO Sis, Katie, Miyuki and Victoria

Summer said...

Beautiful family ♥

Michiko Johnson said...

Sis! I love with you same day but never happening with us. I having almost every day with my friends our life was not same us younger people but lovely time.
Mind was playing Golfing most 20-30 people Worman's Golf then I was winning time.
First Stroke C.D iv Clove Won By with 67 net Club Trophy 26.3.80. today's are 16.
You are so much with two children on happy time!
Have a wonderful time xxooxx
XXOO Sis.Katie.Miyuki and Victoria