Tasmania Became home But like everyone else We know, We grew busy with jobs and children and our adventures became tamer. As I looked around the colourful puffer-jacket-clad crowd I suspected it was not just us who had neglected to take our regular dose into the area of Mole creek,impacting, in the most brutal way, TASMANIA's first people.Yet the caves looked,smelt and sounded the same the day We were how they looked thousands of years ago!
Nature Might make you slow down.it might make you strip off and jump into a cold mountain lake for the fun of it.
This was my best friend of golfing people with 12-Oct .never forgot about so many friends.
Millie in the school
With busy daily life, jobs, and age, I sure got less adventurous. But I would love to visit Tasmania some day.
Have a great week, Michiko san!
Tamago San!
Thank you so much with in here but you forgot about my girl Millie still 7 years school girls.
Have a lovely week. Tamago San!
Dearest Michiko san,
Love Millie's photo in the book! Very sweet.
You sure have been able to visit Tasmania from the Melbourne region.
For us it is way too far out. Even though we've worked in Australia several times, we never had the luxury of time to do some sight seeing than.
Now, with Pieter's heart condition it is not recommended that he travel that far...
Hugs and love to you from both of us.
Michiko san
How sweet Millie in the photo is! She has a lovely smile.
I have never been Tasmania.
Happy day to you!
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