off course I'm going to work hard questions to about what has gone wrong everybody life.
I try to figure out whether the thing in my friend in the America but Memory store is an attempt to create the same kind of connection among groups of others That might be the one thing in common across the impressive diversity of the Yirrambois program.
Sis, I used to have shrimp plants when I lived in Florida some times= ago after I got married. I miss all my tropical plants.
Here the wind is extremely high as well and rain rain rain. I cannot get out to walk each day the way I want to. I guess I will wait to drive over there to your house since you have the same thing!
xxxoooxxx Sis Katie, Miyuki and Victoria
Melbourne, the rain could last into the early hours Monday would be a fairly cool day,
with a few showers, they should get more snow through the night perhaps a cover off by dawn
tomorrow..I'm not playing my golf I'm testing this afternoon.
Sis Katie,Miyuki and Victoria
I've never seen shrimp plant in person. It's a very cute plant :-)
Happy month of May, Michiko san!
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