I had a bad reaction to my post with all my friends too I don't think a good idea of caused my one of my favourite place is a few people with me, it will be bloody hot and well will complain,
I will stay up late writing and reading and be eating nectarines on warm breathing night I shan't complain a moment because to me Summer is for joy,
Dearest Michiko san,
Wish we could be eating juicy nectarines in the summer heat...
So tired of this endless winter time.
Not really bad for the South where we live but after having lived for 3 winters in the tropics it seems like long 3-months.
Husband Pieter had a bad cold and he's not quite over it, still coughing but he can breath easier.
Made me worry, because of his weak heart.
Glad for having scanned lots of old newspaper articles. Slowly I manage to get them all done.
We trash old scrapbooks later as they're empty.
Photo albums I managed all in 2016 and before that I managed all slides...
The videos I also have to make digital.
What a TASK!
Big hugs and enjoy your summer.
It’s been so cold here and I’ve heard Japan is experiencing severely cold winter. I hope you stay cool and comfortable, Michiko san.
Good MORNING Sis! Here I am, just before I go out into the cold cold morning to take a good walk. I wish I had you with me. After the walk we could go back to my house and have a hot cup of tea!
Sis, Katie and Victoria
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