Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Thursday, July 26, 2012

If given the chance...

It helps me. I'm not good with idle time. but I feel need to always be creating something.
I  hope to finishing for interested writing my friends,.I'm sorry this times.
will be prepared for next day.
I am very happy with my golfing  and  make some practice swings to get the feel of same ways. I will be back to three time in the week soon.


Beth said...

I think you do a very good job at writing Michiko!


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Michiko san,

One thing is for sure, you may swing the ball for golf almost like you did before. BUT in writing here on this blog, you have come a long way too. You did improve so much and I'm proud of you. Never give up and no matter if your become a real writer or not; do the best you can for those that love you and others to read your life's story.
Hugs and love to you,

Katie Isabella said...

Dearest Sis, I am proud TOO. YOu have made HUGE progress in your writing and Katie and I send big loves your way every day. IT's our turn to drive over to see you. <3<3<3

xoxoxoxox Sis, Katie Miyuki and Victoria

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Michiko-san,
私もとても頑張っていらっしゃると思います!!! ブログを書くのは私も、とても時間がかかって大変です。なかなか英語では思うように書けませんよね。。。 お互い諦めずに参りましょうね。
私は運動の方は全くだめです(^^;) ゴルフどんどん上手になられて下さい!!!
Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Tamago said...

Hi Michiko san. Sounds like you are doing better and better :-) I hope you'll get your perfect golf swings!

Joe said...

It's always good to hear from you my friend!

Rhapsody Phoenix said...


Keeping in touch is what counts. You stay blessed and do what makes you happy.


GreatGranny said...

Michiko, It's good to see you here. I always enjoy your writings. I'm glad you're doing well and playing golf.

Shane Pollard said...

Dear Michiko
How lovely to see you are once again writing your blog!

When I left for France two months ago, your son was doing an occasional post to give us an update on your progress.

How lovely to hear you are playing golf - that must be a dream come true for you - WELL DONE!

Take care
love and hugs

Michiko Johnson said...

I just find out in here about my situation...