Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"
Behind my house "Cat Jump Park"

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The game I love!

Oh! What a dreadful front nine I reached the turn even the front of not quit I was few yaeds I picked up the ball nobody can do it any better to have a fine golfing?  A few flower's!!

But todays are so much I guess I was disappointed but I has two ball for me ...
I know preety would my wonderful golf for many month to come trying my very best on each stroke the shots that are in the brilliant things to come....
Still bad weather days. I'am not writting in here only LOVE with MY friends DAYS!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Cold Winter!

The lady works exercise with in the morning that gatecrashed her sensibilitien while she had need to walking and get on easy time a good mix of resistance weights keep it up.

Jeans with more then half of the more women interviewed turning to our trusty denims on a blue day. .
Beauty is it could be the teste of new season days the feel of Sunlight.

                                                                      Jack & Millie!

                                                                         Right back yard.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Miserable Weather!

My regular exercise of my age is nothing short of inspirational personally I like to exercise on an empty stomach but it's winter and golfing on whiech makes I'am lot braver then me.

So I get that keeping warm in an issul, Eating breakfast before exercising wouldn't necessarily warm me up. Some one said if I drank a coffee the coffeire would increase the blood flow to my skin which may be why you felt warmer.

It comes down to personal comfort really I'd ratker keep warm by ..It was a mislrable day.
A lots of the time it feels like I sitting around my home not much doing but wating Golf  in TV.
I feel like to walking is generally good for maimtaing mental health warding off disease and explains the flowers are will be bright soon.