For me beautiful comes the food I eat clean wholefoods that include lots antioxidant -rick leaky greens and include lots of antioxidant-rick leafy greens and berries and good fats with a little protein.
I realised that for a long time my food choices hadn't been determined by me.but a chorus of the media together with well meanings and the media, together with well.Doctors and nutritionists..
I consumed in the form of break fast porridges and bedtime nightcaps these comforting moist pudding and drinks gave me a new appreciation or how sweet taste can stimulate our entire organism. A deep sences of calm overtook me. I really enjoyed my golfing very well this years...
Good food makes us feel good! I had fruits for breakfast this morning..instead of dounts and cakes as I often do. Good for me :-)
Your hibiscus is beautiful. Have a wonderful day, Michiko san!
Thank you so much to coming see me My Hibiscus are first time in flowers.Sometimes I have to spend to much worrying about too many things.
I hope nice weathers to our gardens...
Have a wonderful days with your Goro san & Niko San of course your husband always with you!
Tamago San!
Dearest Michiko,
Yes, indeed good and healthy food is so important and we can enjoy the sweetness of fresh fruits as a natural sweetener.
LOVE your hibiscus and so glad to read that your golf is going well.
Sending you hugs and love,
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